Basti – Karma Definition

Considered as the mother of all treatments, it cleanses the accumulated toxins from all the 3 doshas, Vata, Pitta and Kapha, especially Vata toxins, through the colon. Basti is also highly beneficial as a rejuvenating treatment, especially in convalescent periods. Medicated oil or ghee and an herbal decoction are given as an enema to clean the colon and increase the muscle tone. This procedure is usually applied for 8 to 30 days, based on the medical condition of a person.

Basti – Karma Benefits

Basti Karma has been the prime part and parcel of Ayurveda treatment of Panchkarma since ages. It is believed that if properly performed, alone Basti karmas can be rendering to the human body, would be nothing short of a miracle.

  • Basti karma has the reputation to be half of the entire treatments that can be available to provide substantial cure and relief.
  • Ayurveda justifies the efficacy of Basti karma with its possible outcome to balance all the three doshas viz. Vata, Pitta and Kapha. This is because whereas Basti balances Vata dosha, also when the vata dosha is balanced, the other two doshas i.e. Pitta and kapha would be balanced spontaneously. This is the best part of this particular Panchakarma therapy.
  • It also nourishes and feeds the colonic flora.
  • Basti also enhances the immune system of the individual by cleansing and nourishing the colon.
  • Basti puts the body into a state of total balance by nourishing the base prana of the body which is formed in the colon.

Herbs Used in Basti Karma

Vata Dosha –

  • Rasa Specific – Madhura, Amala and Lavana Rasas ( Sweet, Sour and Salty tastes)
  • Herbs – Eranda, Rasna, Dashmoola, Bala, Ashwagandha etc

Pitta Dosha –

  • Rasa Specific – Tikhta, Madhura and Kshaya Rasa (Bitter, Sweet and Astringent tastes)
  • Herbs – Giloy, Neem, Manjishtha, Shatavari, Kutaja, Vasa, Chandan etc.

Kapha Dosha –

  • Rasa Specific – Tikhta, Katu and Kshaya Rasa (Bitter, Pungent and Astringent tastes)
  • Herbs – Haridra, Punarnava, Trikatu, Ark, Vacha etc.